Drone-Man is a Hero made by RehardGames. Drone-Man operates in a giant airship roaming the world and swings down to the earth to prevent the population from breaking his rules and laws. Both calm and collected Drone-Man enjoys both doing something and nothing. He is on a team with two others named Ballman and Medman, and as they and he do not age, they are able to keep their looming presents over the population of earth. The three of them act as Gods to Earth, as they each are immensely powerful.
Created by Rehardgames majority owner Vincent Russell, who made the first art and description of Drone-Man and has continued to evolve the concept until reaching today's concept.

First Appearance
Drone-Mans first appearance was in an unreleased game before having an imitation of Drone-Man appearing in the game called: "Working at the Drone-Man Museum" however Drone-Man himself has yet to make an official appearance.
Physical Appearance
Drone-Man's Appearance changes every four years or so, however the constant themes that stick around is: Two Thumbs on both sides of each hand with a fan like rotor in his palms, his overall body is red with dark grey as a secondary color along side blue decorative lights on his torso.
Drone-Man is also depicted at times as having red eyes or a red visor.
Drone-Man's Drones share a color pattern as Drone-Man himself with four rotors they fly with.
Power / Ability's:
Technopathy, Wind Funnel cannons, Enhanced Intelligence, Multitasking, Tactical Analysis, Personal Drone, Drone Manipulation
Scout Drones, Solder Drones, Multi use Drones, Stasis Drones, Destruction Drones