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Medman is a Hero made by RehardGames. Medman operates in a giant airship roaming the world and swings down to the earth to prevent the population from breaking his rules and laws. He knows about saving lives but just as well about taking them. He's over the top, stubborn, and half the time doesn't even do his job. He is on a team with two others named Drone-Man and Ballman as they and himself do not age they are able to keep their looming presents over the population of earth. The Three of them act as Gods to Earth as they each are immensely powerful.

Created by a Rehardgames co-owner Jeb "Tits" Nielsen, who made the description of Medman before RehardGames majority owner Vincent Russell made the first design for Medman and has continued to evolve the design until reaching today's design. 


First Appearance

Medman's first appearance was in the game called: "Working at the Drone-Man Museum" as an imitation robot however Medman himself has yet to make an official appearance.

Physical Appearance

Medman's Appearance has a constant themes of having a majoraty white and red body and helmet with a red visor and medical symbles on his head, chest and feet, Medman also has notisble grey robotic arms, his overall body is white with red as a secondary color along side a dark grey on his arms.

Medman also has a red visor.





Power / Ability's:

Medical knowledge, Body Function Manipulation, Ranged Weapon Proficiency, Antibiotic System, Contaminant Immunity, Curing, Internal Bodily Cleansing, Biokinesis


Med packs, Medical assistant Drone, wide range of weapons


Drone-Man, Ballman, Jumpman, Ovalal, man in the mirror, Mortormor


Dissection (dislikes)





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